Base64 Decoder

Convert Base64 Encoded Text to Plain Text

How To Convert A Base64 Encoded String/Text to String/Text With This DecoderTool?

In this section, you will learn how to use this tool to convert a base64 encoded text to a plain text.

Steps To Use This Base64 Decoder Tool

  1. Enter or paste the base64 encoded text in the Encoded Text input box
  2. The input will be automatically decoded and will be displayed in the Text output box.
  3. For a quick copy, use the Copy button to copy the decoded text to the clipboard.
  4. Use the Clear buttons in the respective boxes to clear either input or output texts.
  5. Use the Clear All button to clear both input and output texts.

What Is Base64 Encoding?

Base64 encoding is a process of converting characters into universal ASCII characters which consists of only below characters.

  1. Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
  2. Lowercase Letters (a-z)
  3. Numbers (0-9)
  4. Symbols (+ and -)


You can refer below resources to know more about Base64 Encoding and Decoding.

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